Industrial Automation
Industrial automation in engineering refers to the use of control systems, such as computers, robots, and information technologies, to manage and automate manufacturing processes and equipment in industries. This technology reduces the need for human intervention, increases efficiency, improves precision, enhances safety, and lowers operational costs. Industrial automation is widely used in sectors like automotive, electronics, food processing, and pharmaceuticals, where it plays a key role in streamlining production, maintaining consistent quality, and optimizing resource use.

Industrial Automation
- Distributed Control System
- PLC system
- Remote I/O system
- Redundant System
- SCADA solution
- Production Reporting and Monitoring System
List of Brands
A | ||||
A-T Controls | ![]() |
ACM | ADF Web | ADLink | AEG | AEM |
AFAG | AMK | AMS Controls | AMT Pumps | ARI-Armaturen |
ASCO | ASI | ASM | ATOP Technologies | AVC |
AVS Roemer | AZ pneumatica | Aaeon | Aalborg | Abus |
Acbel | Acksys | Acme | Acopian | Acromag |
Acu-Rite | Addi-data | Adel Systems | AdleePower | Adler |
Advanced Energy | Advanced Motion Controls | Advantech | Aec | Aeco |
Agilent | Agiligate | Agility | Airpax | Airtac |
Akron Standard | Albright | Alcatel | Alcon | Alerton |
Alfa Electric | Alfamatic | Allegro MicroSystems | Allestec | Allied Motion |
Allied Telesis | Allpowers | Alpha Wire | Alstom | Altech |
Altera | Altronix | Alwitco | American Zettler | Ametek |
Ametherm | Ampcontrol | Amphenol | Amplidan | Amra-Mti |
Analog Devices | Ancor | Anderson Greenwood | Anderson-Negele | Anly |
Anschutz | Antaira | Antek | Anton Paar | Antunes Controls |
Anybus | Apem | Aplisens | Apollo | Appleton |
Aqua Signal | AquaMatic | Aquaspumps | Aradex | ArcSafe |
Arduino | Areva | Aritech | Aro | Arteche |
Artesyn Technologies | Artis | Aruba | Ascom | Ascon |
Asem | Ashcroft | Astec | Astron | Aten |
Atex | Atlas Copco | Atlas Metal | Atos | Atrie |
Auer | Auma | Autec | Autel | Automatic Valve |
Automation Direct | Autonics | Autronica | Aventics | Avtron |
Axiomatic | Axiomtek | Axis | Axor |
B | ||||
B&R | B.B. Battery | BD Sensors | BEI Sensors | BEP |
BFI Automation | BGS | BI Technologies | BM Group | BST |
BTicino | BW Technologies | Baco | Baldassari Cavi | Baldor |
Baldwin | Balluff | Banjo | Banner Engineering | Bard |
Barksdale | Bartec | Barthelme | Basler | Bauer |
Baumer Electric | Baumüller | Bautz | Beamex | Beckhoff |
Bedok | Beijer Electronics | Beka | Bel Power | Belden |
Belimo | Bell & Gossett | Bender | Benning Tebechop | Benshaw |
Bently Nevada | Berger Lahr | Bergquist | Berica Cavi | Bernard |
Bernstein | Besel | Bicker Elektronik | Biesse | Bihl+Wiedemann |
Bimba | Binder | Bircher | Bitzer | Black Box |
Block | Blue Sea | Bodine Electric | Bollfilter | ![]() |
Bonitron | Bopla | Bosch Rexroth | Bourns | Brabender |
Brady | Brahma | Bray Controls | Brennenstuhl | Broadcom |
Brodersen | Bronkhorst | Brother | Broyce | Bulgin |
Burkert | Burndy | Burster | Busch | Bussmann |
C | ||||
C-mac | CAE Groupe | CCS | CD Automation | CDC |
CKD | CMR | CNC | CPS | CR Magnetics |
CTB | CUI Devices | CWT | CX caliper | Cabur |
Cadel | Caldaro AB | Calex | Calpeda | CamdenBoss |
Cameron | Camille Bauer | ![]() |
Carbo | Carel |
Carling | Carlo Gavazzi | Carrier | Caterpillar | Catu |
Cavotec | Ceag | Cegelec | Celduc | Centaur III |
Centronic | Chelsea | Chentronics | Chint | Chris Marine |
Chromalox | Cimon | Cincon | Circutor | Cisco |
Cissell | Citel | Clippard | Clorius | Coatings |
Cognex | Coilcraft | Cole Hersee | Color-Keyed | Comar |
Comat | Comeca | Comer | CommScope | Commonwealth |
Computar Lens | Comsoft | Comus | Conlog | Consilium |
Contitech | Contrel elettronica | Contrinex | Control Instruments | Control Techniques |
Controlli | Converteam | Conveyor Components | Copeland | Cornell |
Corning | Corpoplast | Correx | Cosmotec | Costech |
Cotas | Cotek | Coto Technology | Crabtree Ceicon | Crevis |
Cristec | Critec | Crompton Controls | Crouzet | Crowcon |
Crucial | Cummins | Curtis Industries | CyberPower |
D | ||||
D-Link | DBK | DF Electric | DHR | DIY More |
DMC tools | DOL Sensors | Daewoo | Dahua | Daifuku |
Daikin Air | Daito | Daiwa | Danaher | Danfoss |
Datalogic | Datexel | Dayco | Dayton | DeWalt |
Debem | Deckma | Deep Sea Electronics | Degson Electronics | Dehn |
Deif | Delco | Delem | Delevan | Dell |
Delock | DeltRONIC | Delta Electronics | Deltrol Controls | Demag |
Derell | Desco | Det Tronics | Detcon | Deublin |
Deutschmann | Deyuan Marine | Dezurik | Di-Soric | Digi International |
Digitronic | Digitus | Dini Argeo | Dinuy | Dixell |
Doga | Dold | Domino | Donaldson | Dongan Electric |
Dorman Smith | Dormer | Dortronics | Drager | Dream |
Dresser | Druck | Duelco | Duff-Norton | Dungs |
Dunkermotoren | Duplomatic | Durakool | Duratool | Dwyer Instruments |
Dynadrive | Dynapar | Dynex | Dynisco | Dz Trasmissioni |
E | ||||
E.L.B. | EAO | EBM Papst | ELP | EMC |
EMG | EOS Power | ERC | ESA Elettronica | ETA |
ETI | ETP | EVS | EZAutomation | Eagle |
EasyIO | ![]() |
Ebara | Ebro | Eclipse Magnetics |
Ecobrax | Econ | Edimax | Edison | Edwards EST |
Eelectron | Effbe | Eiwell | Elap | Elco |
Elcon | Electro Sensors | Electro-Craft | Electroid | Electrolux |
Electronicon | Electroswitch | Elero | Elesta | Eliwell |
Elkay | Elko | Elkron | Elmo | Elmwood |
Elobau | Elomatic | Elpress | Elster | Eltako |
Eltek | Eltra | Emacs | Embraco | Emerson |
Emikon | Emko | Emotron | Emri | Endress + Hauser |
EnergyPlus | Enerpac | Enerpower | Enersys | Engel Motor |
Entes | Ergom | Erhardt & Leimer | Erhardt-Leimer | Ericsson |
Eriflex | Erni | EtherWAN | Euchner | Eugen Hensle |
EuroValve | Eurogi | Euromag | Eurotek | Eurotherm |
Evco | Ever | Everbouquet | Evervision | Ewon |
Exlar | Exolve | Exor | Extech | Exter |
Extreme Networks | Eye Ignitron | Eyedro Sensors | Ezcoo | e2s |
F | ||||
F&F | F.I.A.M.E. | ![]() |
FSP Technology Inc. | Fabrimex | Facom | Facts | Faget |
Fair-Rite | Fairchild | Falk | Fandis | Fanso |
Fantini Cosmi | Fanuc | Farpointe | Fasco | Fastech |
Faster | Fatek | Feas | Federal Signal | Feig |
Feldpausch | Fenix | Fenner Drives | Fenwal | Festo |
FiC | Fiamm | Fiber | Fibro | Fife |
Figaro | Fike | Filtertechnik | Finder | Fine Suntronix |
Finisar | Fireclass | Firestone | Firetrol | Fireye |
Fischer & Krecke | Fisher | Fitre | Fleetguard | ![]() |
Flex Power Modules | Flir | Flo Control | Flojet Pump | Flowline |
Flowserve | Fluke | Fortress | Fotek | Fox |
Foxboro | Foxconn | Frako | Franklin | Fratelli Magni |
Frer | Frico | ![]() |
Fujinon |
G | ||||
GAC | GEA | GEMS Sensors | GF Signet | GILGEN Muller & Weigert |
GM International | GMCC | GP50 | GS | GSC |
GSR | GVS | Gamatronic | Gamesa | Gardtec |
Gast | ![]() |
Gaumer Process | Ge Fanuc | Gedore |
Gefran | Gemu | General Electric | General Monitors | Genie |
Gent | Gepruft | Gesas | Gestra | Gewiss |
Ghisalba | Giddings & Lewis | Gifas | Gilbarco | Gimatic |
Globe | Gorman Rupp | Goyen | Grace Technologies | Grainger |
Graphtec | Green C&C Tech | Greystone | Gromy | Groschopp |
Grote | Groth | Grove | ![]() |
Gutor |
H | ||||
HBM | HDI | HK Instruments | HL Planar | HMS |
HP | HSD | HSD Mechatronics | Habermann | Habor |
Hach | Hager | Hahn | Hakko | Hammond Power Solutions |
Hamworthy | Hansford Sensors | Hanshin | Hart Registered | Harting |
Hartland Controls | Harwin | Hasegawa Electric | Haskel | Hatteland JH |
Haug | Hawe | Hawke | Haws | Hazel |
Hazet | Heatterm | Heidenhain | Heinemann | Hellermann Tyton |
Helmholz | Helukabel | Helvar | HenLv Power | Hengstler |
Henry | Herion | Heschen | Hetronik | Heyco |
Hikvision | Hilscher | Hima | Hiquel | Hirose |
Hirschmann | Hitachi | Hiwin Microsystems | Hochiki | Hoffman |
Hohner | Hohner Automation | Holmatro | Holzmann | Homag |
Homer | Hommel Etamic | Honeywell | Hongfa | Honsberg |
Horner Automation | Hotstart | Hpe Networking | Hubbell | Hubner |
Huco | Hummel | Husky | Hydac | HydraForce |
Hypertherm | Hyundai |
I | ||||
I-Tork Controls | IBA | ICM | ICP DAS USA | IDEM Safety Switches |
IEF Werner | IEI Technology | ![]() |
IME | IMO | IMPA | INA | INVT Electric |
IPF Electronic | IRT | ITT Cannon | ITT Goulds Pumps | ITW |
IXON | IXYS | Icar | Icel | Icom |
Ideal | Idec | Igus | Ilsco | Imago Technologies |
Imit | Impress | Index | Indramat | Industrie Technik |
Inficon | Infineon | Infra | Infranor | Ingersoll Rand |
Innolux | Inor | Instrument Transformer | Integra Enclosures | Intel |
Interlink | Invensys | Invertek | Isoflux | Italmanometri |
Italweber | Itox | Iwasaki Eye |
J | ||||
J.R. Merritt | JAE Electronics | JCB | JM Concept | JRC |
JRCS | JST | Jacob | Jani Electro | Janitza |
Jean Muller | Jenaer | Jerguson | Jetter | John Deere |
Johnson / Cinch | Johnson Controls | Jorc | Joslyn Clark | Jost |
Joucomatic | Jtekt | Juche | Jumo | Juniper Networks |
K | ||||
KB Electronics | KEB | KSB Etabloc | Kaco | Kacon |
Kaeser | Kaku | Kalthoff | Katko | Kawasaki |
Kedu | Keithley | Keller | Kemet | Kenwood |
Keyence | Keysight | Keystone Electronics | Kidde-Fenwal | Killark |
Kinco | Kissling | Klaxon | Klemsan | Klockner Moeller |
Knick | Knowles Johanson | Kobold | Koganei | Kohl |
Kohler | Kollmorgen | Kompaktflanschkugelh | Konecranes | Kongsberg |
Kontron | Korenix | Koyo | Kraft & Bauer | Kramer |
Kraus & Naimer | Kriwan | Krohne | Kromschroder | Kronenberg |
Kubler | Kubota | Kuebler | Kuhnke | Kuka |
Kunkle | Kuppers Elektromechanik | Kyland | Kyocera AVX |
L | ||||
L COM | L&T | LACROIX Electronics | LEM | LKM Electronic |
LMI | LS Electric | La Marche | Laetus | Lanberg |
Lantech | Lapp | Larson Electronics | Lascar Electronics | Lauer |
Laumas | Leadshine | Leeg | Leeson | Lefoo |
Legrand | Legris | Leine & Linde | Leipole | Leister |
Lemo | Lenord+Bauer | ![]() |
Leoch | Leroy Somer |
Leuze | Leviton | Lika | Limitorque | LinMot |
Lincoln | Lindenberg | Linksys | Lite-On | Littelfuse |
Litton | Loctite | Lonne Motor | Lorlin | Lovato Electric |
Lowara | Lube Corp | Lumberg Automation | Lumel | Lumenite |
Lust | Lutze | lskra |
M | ||||
M System | M&C Tech Group | M&M International | MAC Valves | MAKESafe Tools |
MCG | MDI | MES | MEZ Motors | MGM |
MGV | MH Connectors | MHB | MKB | MKS Instruments |
MORI SEIKI | MP Filtri | MPD | MSA | MTS |
MVG | Mabuchi Motor | Macronix | Macurco | MagPowr |
MagnaValves | Magnet-Schultz | Magnetek | Magnetron | Magtrol |
Mahle | Mahr | Maili | MakerBot | Makita |
Malema Sensors | Manaras | Manitowoc | Marathon | Marechal Electric |
Marelli | Mareno | Marposs | Marsh | Marshall |
Martens Elektronik | Martin | Marwin Valves | Marzocchi | Mascot |
Master Lock | Masterflex | Matrix | Matsushita Electric | Mavilor |
Max USA | Max-Tronics | Maxell | Maxon | Mayr |
Mayser | McLennan | McMaster-Carr | Mdexx | Mead |
Mean Well | Mecvel | Meder | Mega Electronics | Megger |
Megohmmeter | Meltric | Mencom | Mennekes Kupplung | Merawex |
Meriam | Merlin Gerin | Mersen | Messkonzept | Metal Work |
Metron Eledyne | Metso Automation | Mettler Toledo | Metz Connect | Michell Instruments |
Micro Detectors | Micro epsilon | Microchip Technology | Microflex | Micron Industries |
Micropump | Microsensor | Microsonic | Microtronics | Midas |
Middle Atlantic | Midland Acs | Midwest Optical Systems | MikroTik | Mill-Max |
Milwaukee | Mindman | Mini Motor | Mini-Circuits | Minimax |
Minimotor | Mitsubishi | Mitutoyo | Moba | Modoc |
Molex | Monitran | Moog | Moore | Mornsun |
Mors Smitt | Morse Raider | Motortronics | Motovario | Motrona |
Motwane | Moujen | Movotec | Moxa | Muller |
Multicomp Pro | Multispan | Multitek | Multivac | Munter Motors |
Murata | Murrelektronik | Murrplastik | My Dream Equipments | Myers Industries |
microSYST |
N | ||||
NAO | NBK | ND SatCom | NEC | NEMA34 |
NK Technologies | NMB | NOVUS | NSF | ![]() |
NTE | NXP | Nachi | Nanocon | Nanotec |
Nass Magnet | National Instruments | National Oilwell | Navistar | Neles |
Nemicon | Neptronic | Neugart | New Elfin | NewPwr |
Neway | Newmar | Newson Gale | Nexans | Nexcom |
Nichicon | Nicotra | Niko | Nishishiba | No Climb |
Nohmi | Noratel | Norcon | Nord | Nordson |
Norelem | Norgren | Noris | Noritake | Norsat |
Nortel | Noshok | Notifier | Novotechnik | Num |
Numatics | Numato Lab | Numens | Nvidia | Nyborg |
nVent |
O | ||||
OBO Bettermann | ODE | ODOT | OEZ | OLI |
ORing | OTEHALL ENGLAND | Obeh | Oemer | Ohaus |
Ohmite | Okaya | Okuma | Omal | Omega |
![]() |
Onpow | Onsemi | Optex | Optibelt |
Opto 22 | Optris | Orbis | Oriental Motor | Orion |
Osram | Overland |
P | ||||
PCB Piezotronics | PCE Instruments | PCS | PR Electronics | PSG |
Packard | Pacom | Palazzoli | Pall | ![]() |
Panduit | Panel | Pantron | ![]() |
Partex |
Partlow | Parvex | Pass & Seymour | Patlite | Peak |
Pearson | Pedrollo | Pelco | Pentair | Pepperl Fuchs |
Perkins | Perma-Drive | Permco | Perske | Pfannenberg |
Pflitsch | Philips | Phoenix Contact | Phytec | Piab Vacuum |
Pico Technology | Picotronic | Pioneer Magnetics | Pister | Piusi |
Pixsys | Pizzato | Planet | Pneumatrol | Pneumax |
Polylux | Pomona Electronics | Posital Fraba | Potter | Power Electronics |
Power Kingdom | Powerbox | Powerex | Preci-Dip | Precima Magnettechnik |
Precision Digital | Preo | Pro-face | ProSense | ProSoft Technology |
Procentec | Profibus | Prometec | Proportion Air | Protectowire |
Proton | Prysmian | Puce | Puls | Pyramid |
Q | ||||
Quabbin Wire |
R | ||||
R+W | RAD | RAFI | RBR | RKC |
RKI Instruments | RLH Industries | RND | RS PRO | RTA |
RVR | RadiSys | Raf Electronic | Ram-Block | Raychem |
Raytek | Rechner | Reco | Recom Power | Red Hawk |
Red Lion Controls | Reer | Rehau | Reliance | Relpol |
Remak | Remlive | Renesas Electronics | Renhotec Pro | Renishaw |
Renkforce | Renu Electronics | Reo Elektronik | Revalco | Rexnord |
Rheem | Rheintacho | Rice Lake | Ridgid | Riello Ups |
Ringfeder | Ritar | Rite-Hite | Rittal | Ritz |
Rivit | Roal Electronics | Robatech | Robertshaw | RoboteQ |
Robox | Roemheld | Roland | Roline | Ropex |
Rosaverde | Rose | Roshni | Ross Controls | Ross Hill |
Rossi | Rotech | Rotex | Rothenberger | Rotork |
Rotronic | Rowan Elettronica | Roxar | Roxburgh EMC | Roxtec |
Russell |
S | ||||
S&C Electric | SBA | SCA Schucker | SEM | ![]() |
SIP | ![]() |
SST Sensing | SSTCOMM | STMicroelectronics | STS | SUPCO |
SYS TEC electronic | Saab Stalectronic | Saft | Sagem | Saginaw |
Saia-Burgess | Sakae | Salicru | Salzer | Samoa |
Samson | Samsung | Samwon | SanRex | Sanhwa |
Santerno | Sanyo Denki | Sanyou | Satec | Scame |
Schaeffler | Schaffner | Schaltbau | Schenck | Schischek |
Schleicher | Schlumberger | Schmalz | Schmersal | Schneeberger |
Schneider Electric | Schrack | Schreiber Messtechnik | Schroff | Schunk |
Schurter | Schwarzmuller | Schweitzer Engineering | SeaPlus | Seagate |
Sealey | Sealmaster | Seidel | Seil electron | Selco |
Selectron | Selet | Self Electronics | Semikron | Seneca |
Sens | Sensata - Crydom | Sensirion | SensoPart | Sentinel |
Sentry Battery | Sepa | Separ | Sepro | Serac |
Servo-tek | Servotronix | Shanghai Shiyan | Sharp | Shihlin |
Shimaden | Shindengen | Shinkawa | Siadel | Siba |
Siboni | ![]() |
Sieb & Meyer | ![]() |
Siemon |
Sifam Tinsley | Sigmatek | Siko | Silent Knight | Simaco |
Simco-ion | Simplex | Sirena | Siteco | Siti Riduttori |
Siva | Smith Bearing | Socaut | Socla | Soclair |
Socomec | Sodron | Softing | SolaHD | Solcon |
Soldo Controls | Soler & Palau | Somas | Song Chuan | Sony |
Sor | Sourcetronic | Southern | Spamel | Speeder Motion Line |
Spg | Spirax Sarco | Spirotech | Sprecher & Schuh | Springer Controls |
Staco Systems | Stahl | Stahlwille | Stamford | StarTech |
Starrett | Stasto | Status Instruments | Staubli | Stauff |
Stealth | Stegmann | Stego | Stein Sohn | Steinberg |
Stemco | Stetron | Steute | Still | Stober |
Stoerk-tronic | Stromberg | Struthers Dunn | Studer | Stulz |
Suco | Sumitomo | Summer | Sumtak Corp | Sun Hydraulics |
Sunghwa | Sunon | Suns | Superior Electric | Supermicro |
![]() |
Swep | Swissbit | Sylvac | Sylvania |
Symcom | Synchroflex |
T | ||||
TCI | TDE Macno | TDI Power | TDK-Lambda | TE Connectivity |
TECDrive | THK | TP RIO | TP-Link | TR Bearing |
TR Electronic | TR Systems | TR-Electronic | TRACO Power | TRENDnet |
TRU Components | TSI Quest | Tadiran Batteries | Taiyo | Takamisawa |
Takex | Tamagawa | Tameson | Tamura | Techly |
Techtop | Tecno Switch | Tecnocablaggi | Tecnoware | Teco |
Tecsis | Tecsystem | Teknic | Teknomega | Tektronix |
Telco | Tele | Teledyne | Telemecanique | Televes |
Telit | Telpod | Teltonika | Tempo | Temporiti |
Temposonics | Ten-Sit | Ter tecno | Terasaki | Texa |
Texas Instruments | Theben | Thermo Fisher | Thermo-Computer | Thomas Industries |
Tianma | Tibox | ![]() |
Titech | Tmeic |
Tocos | Toky | Tokyo Keiki | Tol O Matic | Tomar |
Toneluck | Toner | Topcon | Topworx | Torex |
Tornado | Toshiba | Toto | Toyoda | Toyogiken |
Tracon | Tracopower | Trafag | Trafomic | Trane |
Transcend | Travaini | Trefzer | Trend | Triac |
Triad Magnetics | Triconex | Trios | Trojan | Trumeter |
Trumpf | Tsubaki | Turbo | Turbo Cool | ![]() |
Turing Video | Tyco |
U | ||||
UL | UNI-T | UWT | Ubiquiti | Ulvac |
UniOP | United Electric | Unitronics | Univer | Uryu Seisaku |
Usiwal | Utepo | Uxcell | u-blox |
V | ||||
VAC | VEM | VIDEOJET | VSB | Vacon |
Vahle | Vaisala | Valpes | Var-Spe | Vega |
Vemag | Vemer | Vent Axia | Veris | Versa |
Vesda | Vestas | Vibro-Meter | Vickers | Vicor Corporation |
Victaulic | Victor | Victron | Vimar | Vipa |
Viqua | Visam | Vishay | Visonic | Voltcraft |
Volteck | Vossloh Schwabe | Vox Power | Vybo |
W | ||||
W.E.ST. Elektronik | WAT Motor | WEG Electric | WMH | WS Messsysteme |
Wabco | Wachendorff Elektronik | Wago | Wahler | Waircom |
Walther | Walvoil | Warner Electric | Warrick | Wartsila |
Wascomat | Watlow | Watts | Waytek | Weed Instrument |
Weidmuller | Weintek | Weinview | Weishaupt | Weiss |
Welker | Weller | Wenglor | Werma | Westcode |
X | ||||
XP Power | Xecro | Xicon | Xilinx | Xinje |
Xtralis |
Y | ||||
Yageo | Yamaha | Yamatake | Yaskawa | Yazaki |
Yokogawa | Yongsung | York Transducer | Yuken | Yumo |
Z | ||||
ZF Friedrichshafen | Zaes | Zander Aachen | Zebra | Zemic |
Zeta | Ziehl-Abegg | Zilog | Zimmer | Zoll |
Zurc |